Monday, September 18, 2017

If you beat your stepson into a coma, do not wait three days for his father to return before you seek medical attention!

2016-M-307         State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Amanda Lea Peltier, Appellant.

Four-year-old Eric Peltier suffered at least 11 severe blows to his head and died from peritonitis from a ruptured bowel.  The medical examiner estimated that the wounds occurred three days before emergency care was sought for the dazed and vomiting child.  Amanda Peltier reported that she had watched her sick stepson for three days before the boy’s father returned to the home and called for medical help.

Peltier was convicted in Pope County of first-degree murder while committing child abuse and was sentenced to life with eligibility for release after 30 years.

On her direct appeal here, the Supreme Court denied her claims and held that her substantial rights were not violated by any technical errors in the jury instructions, by the admission of expert testimony on the previous pattern of child abuse exhibited on Eric, or the closing comments of the prosecutor.

Dietzen (Gildea, Anderson, Stras, Wright, and Lillehaug,)
Took No Part:  Hudson
Date: February 10, 2016

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